Sectional data is now available for Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich and Toowoomba meetings.
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Eagle Farm | Brisbane Racing Club@Eagle Farm | 11.18AM
Time: 1-12.08 Last 600m: 35.12
+10m Entire
Nil last 24hrs, 489.5mm last 7 days
Maiden, No sex restrictions, Two-Years-Old, Set Weights, Apprentices can claim
$40,000: $22,000 / $7,200 / $3,600 / $2,000 / $1,200 / $800 / $800 / $800 / $800 / $800
$15,000: $10,500 / $3,000 / $1,500
$7,500: $5,250 / $1,500 / $750