Sectional data is now available for Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich and Toowoomba meetings.
You can keep track of runners in thoroughbred, harness and greyhound races using the Tips functionality found on race pages.
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For all general enquiries please contact our reception.
P: 07 3869 9777
M: PO Box 63, Sandgate, QLD 4017
For code specific enquiries please contact:
Relating to Licensing, Registration, Breeding (ownership, horse transfers, leases, syndicates and colors).
P: 1300 087 021 E:
Nominations, Acceptances, Scratchings RISA Stable Assist allows trainers to lodge transactions including: nominations; weights; acceptances; scratchings; and stable returns online and by phone.
P: 1800 138 704
Acceptances: (07) 3869 9774
Scratchings: 1800 331 308
Albion Park race day office: (07) 3262 2577
Nominations: 1800 851 155
Scratchings and Stewards: (07) 3869 9759
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