The Team Teal campaign was created by Duncan McPherson OAM who lost his wife Lyn to ovarian cancer in 2010. In failing health, Lyn began fundraising for cancer research, an initiative that Duncan connected with his devotion to trotters in 2014, co-founding Team Teal with Michael Taranto and Jim Connelly.
Duncan and Michael are both passionate harness racing owners, both in Australia and overseas, and Team Teal is a way to associate this passion with their chosen charitable cause to fund clinical research nurses. The campaign expanded from Victoria to New South Wales in 2016, then to all Australian states in 2017 and internationally to New Zealand in 2018.
For six weeks from the beginning of February each year, all reinswomen in participating jurisdictions race in teal driving pants, striving to be first across the line to secure donations from harness racing controlling bodies, betting partners, trainers and other sponsors.
The campaign is supported by reinswomen ambassadors in each state across Australia and New Zealand who wear WomenCan teal silks (racing tops) when competing, along with clerks of the course in teal pants and silks.
The success of Team Teal not only relies on sponsorship by principal sponsors, but also on the fundraising efforts of the wider harness racing community, the campaign is increasingly embraced with additional fundraising coming from, but not limited to:
- Clubs matching donations for victorious drives by reinswomen at their tracks.
- Trainers sponsoring the wins of their drivers, male or female.
- Drivers and trainers pledging fees and percentages, in whole or in part.
- Racegoers purchasing a teal awareness ribbon or wristband.
- Clubs promoting a Team Teal Race Day and seeking admission by donation, etc.
- Local Communities, Individuals, Clubs and associations hosting their own fundraising events or making direct donations.
Funds raised during the campaign support research nurses delivering treatments in newly established research sites in Australian and New Zealand hospitals, helping provide greater access to clinical trials for women with a gynaecological cancer. They will also support Survivors Teaching Students®, a program bringing ovarian cancer survivors and caregivers into the classrooms of health professional students, to teach them about experiences living with cancer.

Junior Ambassadors: Emily Anforth, Meaghan McNee & Codi Evans
Check out the activities at clubs happening near you
- Selling Team Teal Merchandise
- Meal/drink promotions at Pacers and Chasers Bar & Bistro throughout the period
- $50 donation for each winning reinswoman throughout the period
- Selling Team Teal Merchandise
- Holding a raffle at the 26th January Race meet
- $50 donation for each winning reinswoman throughout the period
Queensland Junior Harness Racing Association Inc (QJHRA):
- Team Teal raffle drawn Sat 7th March)
- Club raising money from catering on 7th March
- Individual driver sponsorship
- Newstead Bunnings Cake & Raffle Stand – Sat 8th February and Sun 16th February, they will also be selling cakes
Female drivers will commence wearing their teal pants on Sat 1st February at Albion Park.
Queensland Mini Trotting Sporting Association Inc:
- Kids will help out collecting gold coin donations 14th March
- Cake Bake Table on the 8th February at Albion Park Raceway
The information set out on this event page is correct as at the date of publication and may be subject to further change by Racing Queensland or the event promoter (if Racing Queensland is not the event promoter) in their absolute discretion. Please visit http://www.racingqueensland.com.au/ for the current race calendars. Please check race schedules for final times two days before, race numbers are not final.