3YO MAIDEN 1200m
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CLASS 3 1200m
MAIDEN 1200m
OPEN 1050m
OPEN 1000m
2YO OPEN 1050m
2YO & 3YO MAIDEN 1000m
Sectional data is now available for Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich and Toowoomba meetings.
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4 Races
Albion Park
2 Races
7 Races
11 Races
Aquis Beaudesert
8 Races
Sunshine Coast
9 Races
6 Races
10 Races
12 Races
The Queensland Off-The-Track Program (QOTT Program) has been established to support a high-quality first transition for Standardbred and Thoroughbred horses, bred for the racing industry and domiciled in Queensland at the time of their retirement from racing or breeding activities.
Racing Queensland respects and honours the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to their elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the lands we meet, gather and race on.