3YO MAIDEN 1200m
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Next racing: Penrith R5 in 8 years
Profile last updated: 19/03/2025 Form last updated: 19/03/2025
15/03/25, 7.9m, 2125m, Penrith R6, NR up to 80 ($15,000), Sr1, 1-57.10, 36.6, 30.7, 30.0, 28.6, 28.7, Will Rixon, Starting: $10.00
06/03/25, 5.9m, 1720m, Penrith R4, NR up to 80 ($9,792), Sr1, 1-56.30, 7.5, 29.7, 29.8, 28.3, 29.0, Will Rixon, Starting: $10.00
22/02/25, 14.0m, 1609m, Menangle R8, NR up to 80 ($20,400), Fr5, 1-52.50, 0.0, 27.1, 30.1, 28.1, 27.2, Will Rixon, Starting: $5.00
15/02/25, 8.7m, 1609m, Menangle R9, NR up to 80 ($20,400), Fr4, 1-52.60, 0.0, 27.2, 30.3, 28.6, 26.5, Will Rixon, Starting: $15.00
08/02/25, 7.2m, 2300m, Menangle R1, NR up to 80 ($20,400), Fr5, 1-54.90, 49.2, 29.7, 29.8, 28.2, 27.4, Jack Callaghan, Starting: $19.00
The statistics displayed are generated using data from Racing Queensland and only include official QLD races.